Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"Secret Ballots Unfair" says Hodes

While Woodrow Wilson believed that self determination was the God given right of all free peoples, modern day Democrats like Paul Hodes have apparently decided that free and fair elections are an outdated and abhorrent concept. Citing apparent "unfairness" in the current system of secret ballot elections, Mr. Hodes and his colleagues seem to think that they've found the solution...just let union representatives collect signed ballots on their own and then turn them in. That sounds totally fair..right? I mean, a union representative wouldn't cheat, would they? I mean, that's almost as unheard of as a politician avoiding the truth right?

If anyone has been paying attention, the misnamed "Employee Free Choice Act" is a truly shocking piece of legislation that would deny employees the right to a secret-ballot election when considering representation by unions. In fact, it would illegalize employers efforts to provide their employees with additional compensation unless it has negotiated with the union to do so.

While our forefathers fought and died for the right to elections free from intimidation, Representative Hodes now thinks that "the working middle class" cannot be trusted to vote in their own best interest during secret ballot elections. Instead, in a flagrant act of political hypocrisy, he and his fellow democrats are seeking to prop up their failing union political base by denying citizens the right to choose their own path. While union representatives and their allies continue to assert that employers intimidate employees into voting against unions, the long history of American unions' unsavory connection with organized crime and documented evidence of violent coercion suggests otherwise.

Then again, this isn't exactly a point on which we should be asking Mr. Hodes to be reasonable, or fair, or even judicious. The reality is that this vote was bought and paid for long before he roamed the halls of Congress on "our" behalf. Then again, it's still sad to think that our esteemed Representative only thinks that his constituents right to self determination is worth a mere $200,000 in political donations. I guess Wilson just thought democracy was worth more important than a few cocktail parties and campaign buttons.


Article: http://www.nhpr.org/node/12373
NPR Interview: http://www.nhpr.org/audio/audio/nht-2007-02-26-st1.wax
The Legislation: H.R. 800: The Employee Free Choice Act


Anonymous said...

Paul Hodes is a rubber stamp to the union bosses. It has already been pointed out that Hodes has more naked personal ambition than the other new lawmakers. I am sure we will see his contributions start to pour in now that he has adopted a pay-to-play system of backing his highest bidders.

I am shocked, however, that he thinks he can keep his seat by voting and acting in such a liberal and outrageously undemocratic manner that even the San Francisco papers are taken back.

Remember when we had a Congressman with a backbone?

Anonymous said...

I've actually heard that already. Friends down in DC have told me that he's been one of the most prolific fundraisers in the House since he was elected. Not hard to imagine given how much money he raised during the last cycle.

I guess our real question now is...who is going to run against him and return the 2nd district to something approaching sanity?

I mean...for someone who pledged to represent New Hampshire as a moderate...this is pretty disturbing stuff.