During his campaign, Rep. Hodes accused Charlie Bass of being "a backbencher," seemingly saying that he was an ineffective Member of Congress becuase he wasn't often in the spotlight with his parties leadership. While I disagree given Charlie's role as leader of the moderate compromise-friendly Tuesday group Republicans, I think Hodes values are illustrated by his attacks.
While representing an Independent district, Mr. Hodes has done his level best to spend as much time as possible with his parties ultr-liberal leadership, supporting Steny Hoyer's visit to New Hampshire only a few days ago, and reneging on his pledge to oppose bork barrel spending. At the same time, after only 4 months in Washington, he's decided that he doesn't need to hear from or respond to his constituents.
Given the fact that not a single member of Paul's family still lives in New Hampshire (unlike the Bass', whose New Hampshire roots run deep, Peggo Hodes has moved to DC with Paul, their son goes to Berkley, and their daughter is also in DC at American University) I can't imagine how he thinks he's going to Represent those "New Hampshire Values" he talked so much about last year. Then again, I'm not sure someone who thinks union campaign donations are more important than voting rights ever really understood to begin with.
By Just Me Posted in Archived — Comments (7) / Email this page » / Leave a comment »
I have generally complained about the fact that I have written my new congressman Paul Hodes several times in opposition to various bills and the fact that he hasn't bothered to responde to me.
I confess I wasn't a huge fan of my former congressman Charlie Bass, but he was always good about responding to any letters I sent him, and when he voted opposite of my desire he always argued why he was voting the way he was. If his letters were form letters, he hid it well (or his staffers did).
Well I finally got a response from Hodes, and it was over the the Employer Free Choice Act (ie the give more power to the unions and deny people their right to a secret ballot bill).
He apparantly didn't bother to read my letter, because it was pretty clear that I was opposed to the bill and why, but here is his response:
Thank you for contacting me to express your support for H.R. 800, the Employee Free Choice Act. I appreciate hearing from you. I am pleased to be a co-sponsor of this important piece of legislation.
The Employee Free Choice Act will make it easier for American workers to once again negotiate for both the higher wages and benefits necessary to care for their families. The bill helps workers form a union and negotiate fair contracts with their employers. Union employees earn on average 30 percent more than nonunion workers. Making the process to form a union easier is a necessary step to providing the best benefits to American workers.
On March 1, 2007 I voted in favor of H.R. 800 to help the American worker fight for fair wages and better benefits. H.R. 800 passed with 241 votes and has moved on to the Senate for consideration. As a cosponsor of this bill, I look forward to its final passage in the Senate and seeing the Employee Free Choice Act signed into law by the President.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with my office. I appreciate you taking the time to express your views I will continue to work with you and for New Hampshire's working families throughout my term in Washington. If you have any other concerns or interests please contact my office and check my website http://hodes.house.gov.
Paul Hodes
Member of Congress
Please note that he somehow assumed that I supported the bill, and wants to work with me and my concerns LOL.
Honestly I would almost rather him not responde to my letters than respond with a form letter that assumed support for the bill.
Can't say my new congressman is getting high marks from me.