Monday, April 9, 2007

Hodes vs. Military Familes: The Video

So I know I wrote a bit about this a few days back, but I just got done reading Doug's new post over at Granite Grok and getting to see the video added a whole new dimension for me.

I particularly enjoy how Paul told these families that "he wasn't sure they understood how appropriations work." Now, I can't imagine exactly what he was saying, because it almost appeared as if he was trying to suggest that our troops would still have funding even after this the artificial withdrawal date he voted for. The fact is, the Army has already had to cut back on allot of expenses, particularly training for reservists, and all four service chiefs have already told Congress that without supplemental funding, they'll soon have to stop repairing their equipment. Then again, its not as if Nancy Pelosi wants to cut short her vacation or anything, she's obviously been far too busy to consider passing a final supplemental.

Anyway, definitely check out Doug's commentary, I'm attaching the video to this post.

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