Sunday, May 6, 2007

Who's up for a Hodes Race?

With Jeb Bradley hot on Carol Shea-Porter's heels in the first district, it begs the question, who is going to step up and hold Paul Hodes "feet to the fire?"

Doug over at GK has a great YouTube up of Jeb speaking in Belknap, but the silence in the 2nd District has been deafening. Who among our many capable public servants is willing to risk their position in a principaled attack on Paul Hodes, who, though he may appear moderate, has made exactly the same dangerous voting decisions as Carol Shea...who's it going to be?

Lets hope someone with a quality record, like Bob Odell over in Lempster, will be willing to come out and take a chance. He's got the record, the ability, and background...does he have the conviction?


Anonymous said...

Ted Gatsas for Governor!

Anonymous said...

Ted Gatsas? If this is the GOP's best, we might as well get used to life in the wilderness... How about Bruce Keough?
Right on about the 2nd CD. Somebody had better get going over there.

Anonymous said...

US President Tim Kalemkarian, US Senate Tim Kalemkarian, US House Tim Kalemkarian: best major candidate.

Saxman said...

I say bring back Mark Brady, a true conservative who gave Bass a scare in the primary.

Vigil said...

I totally agree Doug, but I'm not sure Senator Clegg is the right man for the job.

A sensible, less outlandish, candidate might just have a better shot taking out Hodes, who'se more than shown his ultra-liberal colors at this point. We need someone who can excite moderats.

Junior, I'm not really sure where you were sitting....but Bass walked over Brady as far as I can remember.

Steve Smith said...

No one is working harder than Grant Bosse for the chance to take on Hodes. Grant has been logging over one thousand miles per week talking to voters, and espousing common sense conservative values.