Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What Does Paul Hodes Really Care About?

It's always hard for those of us on the outside of things to figure out exactly what politicians are actually supporting. Often, their public rhetoric simply panders to the audience of the moment. With that in mind, I've combed through the over 850 Dear Colleague letters sent around the House of Representatives over the last two weeks to determine what issues Rep. Hodes feels merit his personal attention. Though not easily accessible, these letters are publicly available and paint a striking picture of Hodes' real take on things.
Rep. Hodes has seen fit to sign onto the sum total of ten of these letters, which one would hope indicates the importance of these issues to him and, more importantly, what isn't.
1. Dear Colleague; Health; Appropriations; Support NIH Funding2. Dear Colleague; Education; Arts; Support Arts in Education! 3. Dear Colleague; Environment; State Wildlife Grants Letter Second Chance! 4. Dear Colleague; Financial Education; Co-Sponsor the Financial Literacy Month Resolution5. Dear Colleague; Taxpayer Rights, Consumer Privacy & Identity Theft;6. Dear Colleague; International Relations; Africa; Darfur Accountability and Divestment7. Dear Colleague: Economic Development/EDA funding8. Dear Colleague; Appropriations; Support the Manufacturing Extension Partnership9. Dear Colleague; Appropriations; Support LIHEAP10. Dear Colleague; Appropriations; Social Services; Support the Community Service Block Grants
As indicated above, 7 of the 10 letters Mr. Hodes signed onto call for additional funding for education, community service, energy, economic development and medical research. So what's missing?

Apparently, Energy Independence, the War in Iraq, support for our troops, or basically anything else this man campaigned against Charlie Bass to support!

During the last two weeks, Paul Hodes has refused to sign onto nearly a dozen letters supporting our troops, nearly three dozen supporting alternative energy initiatives, and over 80 dealing with the War in Iraq. This, during the same period in which he has supposedly been engaged in a major debate on our future course in that war torn country!

So, my conclusion? Paul Hodes is trying to play both sides of the political spectrum, ignoring the progressive base that got him elected in hopes of appearing moderate to New Hampshire's majority independent voters while actively supporting big government spending. I guess he thinks that this is his best course politically, I just wish the strength of his convictions matched his rhetoric or ambition.


Anonymous said...

US President Tim Kalemkarian, US Senate Tim Kalemkarian, US House Tim Kalemkarian: best major candidate.

Anonymous said...

It is becoming increasing evident with each utterance of Rep. Hodes that he really cares about himself and his hope to be recognized as a politician. Sadly, his level of care about representing the Granite State, for him, is nearly unrecognizable.