If anyone heard Paul Hodes speech for the Democratic party's weekly radio address this weekend, I'd love to hear some feedback.
Personally, I thought it was a well crafted pre-recorded speech, basically saying very little, but effectively rehashing old lines attacking Halliburton and the other contractors supporting our troops. It was also inspirsed with a fairly self-congratulatory section regarding the irresponsible lack of support for soldiers on outpatient status at Walter-Reed. It really was pretty good, as long as you accept that the address is intended in its entirety as a political attack.
Maybe I'm being oversensitive, but during a time when Democrats supporters are rallying, marching, and burning our devoted servicemembers in effigy, a word of thanks would have been appropriate, and, just perhaps, the Congressman could have found a few words to ask people to recognize that these brave men and women are putting themselves in harms way for all Americans - defending the very freedoms upon which these individuals so blithely trample.
Maybe I'm being oversensitive, but during a time when Democrats supporters are rallying, marching, and burning our devoted servicemembers in effigy, a word of thanks would have been appropriate, and, just perhaps, the Congressman could have found a few words to ask people to recognize that these brave men and women are putting themselves in harms way for all Americans - defending the very freedoms upon which these individuals so blithely trample.
I know how many of my liberal friends would respond to my last paragraph. They would tell me that by "providing needed funds" Democrats are doing more than enough to support our troops. The problem is, they miss the essential reality that our nation's soldiers don't place their lives on the line for long-term financial benefits or health care, they do so because the warrior ethos under which they live demands that they "place the mission first, never accept, never quit, and never leave a fallen comrade."
Their could be no greater disgrace than forcing these brave men and women to abandon their mission for political gains. If Democrats truly believed that our mission in Iraq was an unnecessary waste of lives and resources, than they would have allowed Congress to vote on an immediete withdrawal, rather than a politically motivated resolution that will effectivly ensure failure, but extend the dying until September, 2008.
Paul Hodes (NH-02) Gives Democratic Radio Address
Listen to the Democratic Radio Address that took place on 03/24/2007 with the Congressman Paul Hodes of New Hampshire. Download the file here.
"Good morning. This is Congressman Paul Hodes of New Hampshire.
"Last week, Americans marked the four-year anniversary of the war in Iraq. While anniversaries are usually something to celebrate, most Americans don't feel like celebrating right now.
"The war in Iraq has cost us dearly in lives and dollars. We've lost more than 3,200 American troops in Iraq, including 18 from my home state of New Hampshire. Tens of thousands more have been injured. The war has cost American taxpayers nearly half a trillion dollars, and diverted precious resources from fighting al Qaeda and the war on terror. As we enter the fifth year of the war, Iraq remains in chaos and the Iraqi government has failed to stand up and take ownership of the country.
"But even after four years of lives lost and stay-the-course policies that aren't working, the President refuses to change his course. On the anniversary of the war, the President continues to insist on an open-ended commitment in Iraq and another rubber stamp from Congress.
"I'm proud to report that this week, under Democratic leadership, the House of Representatives told the President that it's time to change course. We are holding him accountable for a new direction in Iraq.
"Yesterday, the House of Representatives approved the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health, and Iraq Accountability Act - landmark legislation that will help change direction in Iraq, and require the Iraqi people to take responsibility for their own country.
"This legislation is critical. First, we support our troops by providing needed funding for their equipment and protection. But this bill is not a blank check to fund the war in Iraq. It requires that the Iraqis meet the benchmarks for success that the President himself outlined in January.
"The bill also provides more funding and resources to prevail against al Qaeda in Afghanistan. We funded our troops to make sure they receive the resources, training and equipment they need. And we increased funding for our veterans, so they get the care and support they have earned and deserve.
"The legislation the House passed yesterday ensures the disastrous Walter Reed scandal is never repeated. Every American was shocked when we learned of injured troops living in squalor at the Army's finest medical center. Democrats responded quickly, demanding new leadership at Walter Reed and investigating how this scandal occurred.
"In the process, we learned about unacceptable conditions at other military and VA hospitals around the country. As a member of the House Oversight Committee, I helped to investigate the problems at Walter Reed, and I can assure you the Congress will continue to keep a close eye on our military and VA facilities to ensure our troops and our veterans get the care they deserve.
"And while we put an end to the underfunding of our veterans' care, we are also cracking down on the over funding of politically connected contractors such as Halliburton. We're investigating the loss of billions of dollars that have gone missing in Iraq and fighting to stop the contractor rip-offs that have plagued this war. For four long years, a Republican Congress ignored that responsibility, and billions of dollars were wasted.
"Democrats are fighting to bring real change to Washington. With our vote this week, we're helping our troops, protecting our veterans, and fighting to end the waste, fraud and abuse. After four years of a failed policy, Democrats are insisting on a new direction in Iraq and a real plan that holds the Iraqi people accountable for their own country.
"Last November, people in New Hampshire and across the country voted for change. They voted for a new Congress that would stop acting as a rubber stamp for this President and begin confronting the problems and challenges facing our nation. And no challenge is more important than bringing our troops home from Iraq as quickly and responsibly as possible.
"This week, the Democratic Congress took a significant step in that direction. We hope the President will respond by listening to the American people. We hope he will work with Members of Congress from both parties to bring this war to an end.
"This is Paul Hodes of New Hampshire. I thank you for listening."
1 comment:
Rep. Hodes spews pablum rather than present thoughtful reasons for his supporting of any position. One wonders how stellar his record actually was as an assistant attorney general. Can someone dumb down so much in such a short time?
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