Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hodes/Pelosi Reject Commanders Advice

Returning readers probably agree that I've had some trouble ellucidating Paul Hode's clear hypocracy when it came to his election year promises and his actual behavior in Washington. That being said, I think that a recent letter to Fosters Online and an op-ed by former Congressman Chuck Douglass do a great job describing Hodes seeming inability t0 exhibit that spine we all heard so much about back in September, October and November.

In particular Congressman Douglass says:

During his campaign Hodes also said that he would listen to the commanders on the ground..... as recently as Feb. 7, in a letter to President Bush, Hodes and other Democrats said they supported the conclusions of the Iraq Study Group.

On page 73 of the 96-page book version, it says the Iraq Study Group could support "a short-term redeployment or surge of American combat forces to stabilize Baghdad . . . if the U.S. Commander in Iraq determines that such steps would be effective."

New ground commander General Petraeus believes such steps could be successful. Thus, once again, February's letter is ignored in March's vote.

While you'll need to read the whole Fosters letter, they do a nice job describing how absurd Democrats charges of being in "lockstep with their party leadership" are considering how very little dissention their has been from Reps Hodes or Shea-Porter, who have blithly ignored Nrw Hampshire's moderate tendencies in order to support one of the most highly partisan and invasive 4 months in Congressional history.


Anonymous said...

It is becoming increasingly clear that Rep. Hodes lacks the common sense of an adult which is expected in New Hampshire.

When will the Hodes Watch become the Hodes Recall Role? Does he really deserve a gratuitous year of bad acting?

Vigil said...

Thats what I hear, it would be nice if someone would make an effort to run against him though. National Republicans seem so bent on ousting Carol Shea-Porter that they're totally ignoring the Hodes race.